Over the last 20-something years, I've built a fair few websites. Mostly for other people, and sometimes for my own projects and businesses.
But I've never actually built one just for me. I've never felt the need.
Well, on Sunday, I woke up and decided that now I do feel that need.
Here's what I did:
1. Bought a domain. Google domains.
Time: 10 mins
Bank account balance reduction: £10
2. Prepared my basic site code (I had most of this done
already from messing about over the last year).
Time: 30 mins
3. Set up a github repo for my site code.
Time: 5 mins
4. Set up firebase hosting to host the site.
Time: 45mins This should have been quicker, but I found a few
things to be not quite as straight-forward as they seemed.
Apart from the fiddly bits with firebase hosting, it was really quick and easy - and cheap. Firebase hosting even deals with SSL, so once you've done your DNS stuff (to redirect your firebase "app" to your custom domain) you get an https site ready to go. What an age we live in.